There has been a church in Newton Regis since at least the 12th century or possibly earlier. The first church was a chapel to the Parish Church at Seckington and was dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
What is presumably one of the very few relics of the earlier building is an early 13th century Easter Sepulchre, located on the north side of the chancel, so called because that was where the consecrated host was kept between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, symbolising the time when the body of Jesus lay in the tomb.
The present building, however, dates from the 14th century and internally must have looked very different, judging by remaining traces of painting around the window arches on the north side of the nave.
The interior of the church today has changed little since a major restoration in 1905, when layers of whitewash were removed from the walls and the decayed box pews replaced with more open plan seating. The most striking feature is the large clear east window containing a 14th century stained glass shield with the leopards of England, which was restored by craftsmen in 2014.
The church holds a commanding position in the village, standing higher than the road and dominating the view down the main street. It is open for a few hours on certain weekends (details on the Historic England website) and you are welcome to visit should you happen to be passing.
I am Shirley Faulkner, Churchwarden at St Mary’s Church, Newton Regis. I was born in Seckington in 1943 and first daughter of Frank and Lily Faulkner. I attended Newton Regis C of E School and moved to Kings Lane, Newton Regis in 1963.
I have always been involved in village and Church activities and have been Churchwarden at Newton Regis for numerous years, in which I am always approachable on Church and Village matters. I am employed (full time) with M G Evans & Sons family Funeral Directors, Atherstone where I have worked for over 22 years.