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The members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) are elected by the church membership once a year, usually in April.  Once elected they work together to make decisions for the five churches and the whole parish.  The PCC works with the Churchwardens to develop the pivotal role of the church within the Parish through prayer and service. They are responsible to the Bishop of Birmingham and the Birmingham Diocese for the decisions they make and are also charged with ensuring that the parish is operated according to Diocesan requirements.  Amongst the many aspects of the PCC’s work and responsibilities are: 


  • Responsibility for Safeguarding, Health and Safety

  • Responsibility for all Church activities, worship, pastoral care and governance

  • Taking a lead in the School Assembly Teams.

  • Having sub-committees who are responsible for church buildings & churchyards and fundraising.

  • Planning service patterns with Revd Joanne, leading services and sessions on occasion,

  • Leading and encouraging the outreach work of the Parish (Prayer groups, Lighthouse Stay and Play, Youth 139) 

  • Monitoring funding and finances, making sure that the churches can pay their way and that the buildings are maintained. 

The Oil On The Wheels

Alison acts as the Secretary to the All Souls Parochial Church Council, taking minutes of meetings, keeping all the committees on track and organising good deals for services such as electricity and insurance.   She is also our organist for all five churches. She really is the oil on the wheels for All Souls.   Happily married to Richard, who had been Churchwarden  at Warton for many years, Alison has worshipped at Holy Trinity, Warton since moving to the village in 1971.

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